The body has the ability to heal itself. Illness, stress, injury or disease, shifts the body into a state of “imbalance”. During recovery, vital body systems can be blocked, preventing the body from functioning optimally. Reflexology can be used to restore and maintain the body’s natural balance and facilitate healing. The application and the effect of reflexology can be unique to each individual, just like other therapies. Reflexology is one of the safest and least invasive alternative therapeutic practices available. The World Health Organization has said it is economical, safe, and effective
It will begin with a brief health history and an explanation of how Reflexology works and what happens during a session.
You will be placed in a relaxed and comfortable position in either a zero-gravity chair or on a massage table.
The Reflexology Therapist will apply pressure using thumbs and hand techniques to the whole foot, beginning with the right foot then continue with the left foot.
All sessions are in person and vary from 60 to 90 minutes.