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Have you ever had difficulty using your voice, expressing yourself or feeling like you are not being heard? Did you know that silencing your voice/expression can have detrimental health effects? 

Opening the Avenue of Expression (AOE) in you can have profound life changing effects.When I first learned of this term I must admit I was quite curious and definitely intrigued to experience this technique. It sounded like somewhat of a path to an awakening…a way (avenue) to express. 

Listening deeply to another person and enabling them to experience being heard is one of THE most profound human needs. When the AOE is open it allows you to: 

  • Express who you are
  • Stand up for what you believe
  • Say no when you need to
  • Be honest and open in what you say
  • Relieves stress

So you might be thinking? Exactly where is this AOE located and how do I open it? The structures involved are the upper chest, face & neck. This includes the muscles of the neck that connect with the hyoid bone and the bones of the face and jaw.  Most importantly some of this work is done inside the mouth. The above mentioned are the structures, tissues, fluids and energies involved in the expression of words, images, feelings and so on.

Each of these components have at least some influence over the ability of the client’s ability to express him/herself. These expressions can either be in words, sounds, or expressions of emotions. It is quite common for the AOE structures to become “jammed” if you will, when we do not express. Lines of tension are created over time and some of the health issues we can start noticing are headaches, migraines, TMJ syndrome, vertigo, tinnitus, anxiety & depression, to name a few.

How is the AOE opened? The same gentle light touch craniosacral technique applied in a general session is also applied when working with the structures of the AOE.  There can sometimes be slightly tense areas when working inside the mouth but the relief that is created when the tension is released makes all the difference.

The work is very client specific and it is certainly unique how the connection between your body, its memory of all your life experiences, and what you have to say in the world will come together While The Avenue of Expression is an additional advanced technique of Craniosacral Therapy, it is absolutely essential to incorporate into a session as it allows for effective SomatoEmotional Release- SER (which is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma). In the next episode, I will be talking more in depth on the wonderful benefits of SER. 

For more information about the AOE, please click here ( to contact Liz or follow her on Instagram @lizkarchut and Facebook @ Liz Karchut